version: 2021-09-02
Sign up for a day in September 2021
CAC-Classic involves staffing our request hotline and email to respond to incoming texts and phone calls, collaboratively strategizing with aid requestors, documenting and communicating aid requests to other SWMA members, reaching out to volunteers and partnering organizations to help with requested tasks, coordinating plans with partnered organizations or for rented or purchased equipment/supplies, and sometimes completing requested tasks themselves. CAC-Classic normally takes the form of a weekly 4-hour-or-more shift.
CAC-Lite is intended to only involve the documenting incoming requests into the CAC-Classic request system or into our slack where SWMA can hopefully collaborate and share information to address these requests for aid. It is part of an effort to make our group's communication channels more responsive by spreading out the responsibilities of CAC-Classic to more people It is intended to take the form of monthly 1-hour shifts.
For each task, see our Response Guide below.