(context: Kiera of Brooklyn Grange's CSA program reached out to us about starting some collaboration. See notes here Notes 2021-05-06 Brooklyn Grange Collab Intro/Ideation. From that discussion, Kiera suggested that the CSA shares might not be enough volume to be appropriate for our pantry work so it might be more effective for SWMA to get in touch with the Farm Mangers of the LIC location directly to talk about wholesale-purchasing options, picking up unsold items after their farmer's market, and possibly using their space for events.)

attendees: Connor (farm manager of LIC location of Brooklyn Granger), @Emma Thadani @Elizabeth Guzman @Luming Hao @Natasha G

to talk about!

bulk purchasing

Connor - bg - have started working with some pantries

(did overview of our tables, what we give, how things have changed, demand for grocery, CAC direct deliveries)

Connor: (review of CSA share composition, 6-8 items per thing. varies over season. share feeds 1-2 ish ppl)

Liz: we would probably CAC fund cost of CSA if getting for neighbor

Luming: just confirming window is closed this year for bulk purchasing

Connor: could contact us if they have unexpectedly large harvest, but not likely. will contact us

Connor: re: aftermarket pickup

Natasha: cadence might be similar to wsc garden