attendees: @Emma Thadani @Luming Hao Kiera (Brooklyn Grange CSA operations)
some bg:
- brooklyn grange has locations all over, closest is LIC
- have a CSA program. starting a sliding scale pricing model
- have farmer's markets every saturday during summer
Kiera: some possibilites
- purchasing some subsidized for distribution at patnry
- aftermarket - maybe leftovers of saturday farmer's markets to fridge
- seeds - can offer a lot of seeds (luming note - Rusty/WSC seems to be good on seeds for now. maybe could be part of individual-home-grow + compost share project though.)
- wholesale purchasing
- not part of the CSA, but would be higher and more predictable volumes
- eg "10lb spinach every week please!"
- fundraising - offering space and venue for SWMA fundraising
- CSA shares are 6-8 rando veggies each week. about 1lb each. designed for 2-4 people per share
luming: whare are some logistical possibilites?
- luming: could we coordinate deliveries for people who can't pick up themselves?
- luming: what could Grange offer in terms of storage and trucks?
- Kiera: we do deliveries for restaurants. possibiliy could talk about waiving fee but has not been done before
- Kiera: in terms of picking up orders (for wholesale), pretty much staffed everyday except sunday
Kiera: CSA may 23 - deadline to sign up
- SWMA could purchase a few as standing shares? maybe not enough for everyone at pantry tables but possibility for CAC requested deliveries?
- $20 week would be lowest on sliding scale
- tues or saturday would be pickups
Farmers market saturday may 29 - oct 30
Luming: could we try fundraising in a "purchase a full-price share - X% of proceeds go to SWMA"