Welcome to Members

Welcome [name]! We've added you to [list channels or simply say "several channels"] based on your sign-up form responses, but you are also welcome to browse through the other current groups/projects by clicking the :heavy_plus_sign: in the left side bar → "Browse channels" and join anything else that sounds interesting to you. We also recommend catching up on important messages in any channel you join by clicking the :pushpin: (pin) icon at the top of the channel and checking out our Orientation FAQs (<https://www.notion.so/swma/Orientation-f8b6125fa3d042a3a4da4df7cd0c4c74>).

[if indicated interest in Food Relief] If you'd like to get involved in our in-person food relief efforts, you can visit <https://swma.nyc/signup> to find the latest weekly sign-up sheet (posted Monday evenings).

[if indicated interest in Community Aid Coordination] Our point people for community aid coordination, @Liz and @masha tsimring, will be in touch with more details when we are next onboarding new aid coordinators.

We'll be sending you an email invite to the next virtual meet'n'greet we have scheduled if you'd like to say "hi" and meet some current and new members.

And lastly, if you have any more questions about how we work or where to find something, feel free to ask over in #4_help-desk!

Welcome to Non-Members

Welcome [name]! I'm not seeing you in our system yet. Do you mind completing the form at <https://swma.nyc/join>? We can use that to get you plugged into areas that interest you!