Granting New Community Aid Coordinators access to Airtable/Passwords

  1. Make sure that they meet all the criteria for Airtable access:
    1. They've completed aid coordinator training
    2. They've completed the Volunteer Privacy Agreement at (you will see their name in the Completed Privacy Agreement view once submitted)
    3. They have aid coordination shift scheduled
  2. Open the Community Aid Coordination base, click the name of the base at the top of the page and select Share and then Base
  3. Enter their email, select their role as Editor, and select Send Invite (at this point you may want to remind them to set up their Airtable account with their personal email address, not the shared SWMA Gmail)
  4. Open Notion, click Settings & Members from the menu at the top of the left sidebar
  5. Click Groups
  6. Under Community Aid Coordinators, add new CACs as needed
    1. If someone does not appear as a user, they likely still need to create their Notion account, which they can do at

Removing Access to Airtable/Passwords for Community Aid Coordinators that are No Longer Active

  1. Open the Community Aid Coordination base, click the name of the base at the top of the page and select Share and then Base
  2. Locate the person's name under Base collaborators and click the ❌ to Remove collaborator
  3. Open Notion, click Settings & Members from the menu at the top of the left sidebar
  4. Click Groups
  5. Under Community Aid Coordinators, remove the person

Creating Volunteer Sign-up Sheet

  1. Around Sunday afternoon/evening, evening solicit input on the SWMA Shift Sign-Up Template, finalize the schedule in Google Sheets
  2. Log into
  3. Duplicate previous week's signup sheet or create a new one, making sure to copy over introductory text, update dates/locations, etc.
  4. Deactivate previous week's signup sheet
  5. Update dates for each row, add/remove any appropriate shifts for the upcoming week, click "Finished"