You can also check the sent email folder and copy over information from the previous week
Hello point people and drivers for [DATE],
Below you will find our schedule for today, which includes the names of the volunteers that signed up for each of the respective shifts, as well as their phone numbers in the event you need to be in touch with them in the course of the day. Please be mindful of our privacy practices and code of conduct and only refer to this list of phone numbers in relation to logistics for this date.
Click here for a list of locations with addresses.
Click here for a description of the shift(s). (Work in progress, please make edits and help us to keep these up-to-date and comprehensive!)
Reminder: Woodside Houses uses a lottery system to determine line order. More information can be found here.
A few special notes for pre-pantry and post-pantry shifts:
Please make sure that any items left in the basement are non-perishable and sealed and all Fresh Direct bags are dry before folding and putting them away! (when in doubt, it’s fine to leave/hang them out on a shelf to dry if you can’t wipe out all the moisture) A quick sweep after shifts would be helpful to keep our borrowed space at St. Jacobus mold-free and clean
If you have general questions or issues throughout the day, you can post to the #group_food-relief channel in Slack or text our shared line at (973) 709-5975, which will be monitored from 12:30-3:30pm.
Thank you all!
Sunnyside & Woodside Mutual Aid