The Gmail account is used by many members of SWMA
For password and login please go to password page.
To Keep the inbox of Gmail organized and clean please follow the method below.
-Please use the folders/labels to the left in gmail to file and keep all emails.
-We still do get some spam so please use your best judgment on if we keep the email. I have unsubscribed from some spam yet our address does get passed around. When in doubt you can always search the sender to see what file it was kept in before.
-You can add more than one folder if you feel the email covers more than one area.
-Please only keep things in the Inbox that need attention. If the email info has been passed on or attended to please file
-Please cc'd SWMA when sending out emails as again this helps us keep history and educate others as time goes on.
-Feel free to reach out to Vicki within Slack for anything you may be looking for or questions. Of course open to any feedback or suggestions.
Thank you for keeping things tidy.