What SWMA Uses (or Could Use) Money For
- Reimbursements for groceries, medicine, supplies, etc. (things that would have receipts)
- Average of...? How much per week? @Katelyn Hertel @Ethan Hova
- Weekly expenses to maintain the stock of the pantry and ingredients for prepared meals
- How much per month? $1,000/month? hard to say
- Rent assistance
- General cash support for neighbors who need it
- Subscriptions for tech tools/platforms; which of these tools we want to continue using/start paying will depend on Tech Affinity Group recommendations
- Zoom: $29.98/month (currently paid by @Katelyn Hertel)
- 1Password (password manager): free trial ends ??, $3.99/user/month, ?? users (free alternative: Keeweb (derivater Keepass))
- Domain names/email aliases/hosting: $12/year for domain; $5/month for hosting (currently paid for by @Igor From Sunnyside)
- Airtable, free trial ends May 2021, for $20/user/month thereafter to maintain current features
- Zapier, free trial ends December 31, 2020, $50/month thereafter to maintain current features
- Slack, free trial ends October 17, 2020, $480+/month to maintain current features + user count
- A paid email service? i.e. paid ProtonMail is €5/month (per user? group?)
- A paid volunteer management platform? Or a tool to automate SMS reminders?
- Promotional materials, i.e. production of custom banners for the pantries
Potential Models
work in progress, please expand! you can refer to the Previous Conversations about Money for background/history
No centralized funds, aid coordinators facilitate peer-to-peer payments
Our current system
- Pro: Familiar, supports peer-to-peer connections
- Con: Decision-making falls on CAC, availability of donor funds (AT not always up to date?)
No centralized funds, peer-to-peer payments that are not directly facilitated
- Pro: Easier to manage? More transparent
- Con: privacy issues, potential for abuse (still needs some oversight)
- Example: https://stlmutualaid.org
Fiscal sponsorship
- Question of who could be our fiscal sponsor? Is there another mutual aid group who could do so?