<aside> 💡 This is a work in progress and a living document. Each group will have its own needs to address, however the starred ⭐️ safety arrangements must be followed.


  1. Each meeting will have a "leader" or "leaders" to keep things on track—and will help if we run into any problems or if anyone needs help. This position will rotate between meetings or even within meetings. We acknowledge the importance of a backup leader in case anyone needs personalized support.
  2. ⭐️We acknowledge that we are not medical professionals. We don't offer diagnoses or self-diagnoses.
  3. For online groups, we encourage people to be on camera at least for intros so that people feel more comfortable disclosing (knowing everyone is alone in a room or using headphones).
  4. We use trigger and content warnings. (Example: "Is everyone okay if I talk about ________?")
  5. ⭐️ We check in and make sure people are safe; we establish safety procedures for each group at the onset in case these measures are needed.
  6. We are here to create a space and listen, be ourselves, and talk to each other. We are here to exist and experience each other as we are.
  7. We adjust the communication expectations as needed based on the needs of any group on any day.