So you want to create a 24/7 community pantry? You've come to the right place!

A community pantry is an unattended location in your immediate vicinity for neighbors to share nonperishable food they can spare and for neighbors to take food that they need. It can also become a community landmark or center. It's a very simple approach to providing mutual aid to our neighbors!

Community pantry by Queens Public Library in Sunnyside

Community pantry by Queens Public Library in Sunnyside

STEP 1: Find a spot

Pick a location that is:

STEP 2: Furniture

You will want something basic to house the food. We suggest a bookshelf. The best place to find one is on the street before garbage pickup! A walk through the neighborhood on a trash day is sure to uncover something simple that someone is tossing. You could also try Craigslist or a "Buy Nothing" group (Sunnyside group here and Woodside group here).

STEP 3: Signage

You'll need a couple basic messages communicated in signs (we recommend including as many language translations as possible - we can help you!):

Please let us know if you create some signage that you'd like to share with us! It would be great to be able to have something that everyone can use for their community pantries. If you need access to a printer, SWMA can help you find one.